This article is part of our ongoing series on common interview mistakes. Today, we’ll focus on communication missteps that can derail your chances of landing the job.

Interrupting the Interviewer

It’s crucial to be an active listener and let the interviewer finish their questions or comments before responding. Interrupting can come across as rude or overeager. If you do accidentally interrupt, politely apologize and allow the interviewer to complete their thought.

Not Answering the Question Asked

Make sure you fully understand each question before responding. If you’re unsure, it’s appropriate to ask for clarification. Providing an answer that doesn’t directly address the question shows you aren’t listening carefully.

Poor Communication Skills

Speak in complete sentences and avoid excessive use of filler words like “um,” “uh,” and “you know.” Keep your language professional – steer clear of slang, profanity, or inappropriate references.

Imbalanced Level of Detail

You want to strike the right balance, avoiding responses that are either too brief or too long-winded. Aim for answers that provide sufficient detail, typically running a couple minutes.

Negative Nonverbal Cues

Be mindful of your body language. Avoid slouching, folding your arms, failing to make eye contact, or covering your mouth, as these can make you appear disengaged or uncomfortable. Maintain open, receptive posture and make regular eye contact.

Failing to Check for Understanding

Don’t be afraid to periodically check in with the interviewer to ensure you’re on the right track. Asking “Did I answer your question fully?” or “Would you like me to elaborate further?” demonstrates your communication skills and responsiveness.

Inappropriate Language

Always keep your language professional. Steer clear of profanity, slang, or any references to sensitive topics like race, religion, or politics. This type of inappropriate language can be an immediate turn-off for interviewers.

    By being cognizant of these common communication pitfalls, you can ensure your interview performance showcases your qualifications and interest in the role. Good luck!