This exercise goes beyond self-reflection, tapping into the observations of those who have seen you in action. Here’s how to do it:

Choose Your Five

Select five people who know you well. They could be friends, relatives, coworkers, or mentors – anyone who has observed you in various situations and understands your personality, strengths, and values.

The Questionnaire

Email each person the following questions: (feel free to copy and paste right into email).

Subject: Quick favor – Help me discover my career superpowers!

Hi [Name],

I’m exploring new career directions and would greatly appreciate your insight. Could you please answer these three quick questions about me?

What is/are my superpower(s)?

List 3 job titles you think would be a great fit for me. 




List 3 industries you could see me being totally happy working within. 




Thank you so much for your help!

[Your Name]

Analyze the Responses

Once you receive the answers, look for patterns:

  • Which superpowers are mentioned most often?
  • Are there job titles or industries that appear multiple times?
  • What surprises you about the responses?

Reflect and Discuss

Take your findings to a career coach or a trusted friend. Discuss how these insights align with your own thoughts about your career. This conversation can help you:

  • Identify strengths you might have overlooked
  • Discover new career paths to explore
  • Understand how others perceive your talents

Apply the Insights

Use this valuable information to:

  • Refine your personal brand
  • Tailor your resume and LinkedIn profile
  • Prepare compelling answers for job interviews
  • Guide your job search or career transition

Why This Exercise Works

  • Diverse Perspectives: By asking five people, you get a well-rounded view of your strengths and potential.
  • Unbiased Feedback: People from different areas of your life can provide varied and honest insights.
  • Confidence Boost: Seeing your strengths through others’ eyes can be incredibly affirming.
  • New Opportunities: You might discover career paths or industries you’ve never considered.

Taking It Further

Consider creating a word cloud from the responses to visually represent your most prominent strengths and potential career paths. This can be a powerful tool for personal branding and self-reflection.

Your ideal career path might be clearer than you think – it just takes a little help from your personal network to bring it into focus. Ready to uncover your career superpowers? Send out those emails today and embark on this enlightening journey of self-discovery!